Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Fail To Plan, Plan To Fail

        A goal without a plan is just a wish. The same is true of a weight loss goal. If you're going to succeed in your quest to lose weight, you must have a plan.  Before I embarked on my weight loss journey, I spent about three weeks planning. I decided on my goal size, mapped out  my exercise schedule and my meal times among other things. I made sure that I was mentally and physically prepared for the task ahead and this was a major factor in my success.
       You'll need a weight loss plan too. How many kilos do you want to lose? What time frame do you have in mind? When will you be able to exercise ? You need to be realistic in setting your goal so you don't get frustrated. You didn't put on all that weight overnight so don't expect it to disappear suddenly.
       In deciding your goal size, I suggest you find someone who is a much slimmer version of your specific body shape and keep a picture of that person. This will give you a clearer image of what you're aiming towards. There are three main body shapes: pear, apple and hourglass.


The pear shaped person is significantly bigger on the bottom than they are on top for example, Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez. I am pear shaped and of average height so Beyonce was a much better model for me . A pear shaped person who is not as tall as Beyonce can use J.Lo as a model.


The apple shaped person is bigger on top than they are on the bottom and they tend to gather weight around the mid-section and upper body. Jennifer Hudson would be a suitable model for this body type.

 People with the hourglass shape are equally endowed both on the bottom and on top. For example, if On Air Personality ToolzO( pictured below) wanted to lose weight, Kim Kardashian would be a suitable model for her because they both fall into the hourglass category.
Make no mistake though, this is not to make you compare your body with another's and try to be like them. You are unique. There is no other body exactly like yours in the whole world. What you are going to do is create a better, slimmer version of yourself not become a mimic of someone else.
They are just symbols to help you envision the destination you have in mind.
So, that being said, if you don't have a plan, now's the time to make one. Take your time because the more detailed your plan is, the stronger the chances are that you'll stick to it. Remember, he who fails to plan, plans to fail. I hope you found this helpful. Until next time.
                                                                                                              Love Always...

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